الخميس، 31 يوليو 2014


     Albert Einstein German origin, a physicist, a Swiss national, best known for his theory of relativity .. Born to Jewish parents but studied at a Catholic school and grew up Raboubia (recognizes the existence of God, but it is believed that the invention of the human religions). 

Not a candidate for entering the university he worked in the patent office in Basel even surprised the world to publish his theory of special relativity, general relativity in 1905 and then in 1916 .. and because of his Jewish origin subjected to harassment of the Nazi Party and fled to America during World War II and died there in 1955. 

Although most of us do not know anything about the "relative" but that Einstein's name has become synonymous with intelligence and genius and parallel to the stars of world cinema - and turning his face and curly hair backcombed into a trademark in the United States .. 

In my personal opinion, exceeded his theory of relativity in physics (and the circumstances of time and place) and turned into a "concept" includes all aspects of life .. become a "relative" from beyond concept philosophically can be withdrawn on the thoughts, feelings, events and beliefs and natural phenomena, so that is no longer stable and sticks to change only the idea Relative same .. 

Thanks to my readings about this old man gradually discovered that (not only the world of physics and mathematics) and even a wise philosopher looks beyond the nose and rises above all the small ideas .. 

A few days ago found by accident on the set of his statements at the site of the beautiful Stanford University (rescomp.stanford.edu) so I decided to participation without hesitation .. which statements can also be found through the introduction of these two words in the Google Einstein Quotes 

Citations .. and that I liked: 

- Two things that do not Nhaúaan: the universe and human stupidity; For the fact that I'm still not sure. 

- The problems that exist in the world today do not solve the minds created. 

- Every measure it by our own science reality primitive and childish, but it is the most precious thing we have. 

- All our calculations we call it a mistake coincidence (and sometimes Ndmah the miracle box). 

- The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources. 

- Make you live the present policy, the equations Vtgalk live forever. 

- Require tens of fools to make things harder and more complex and ingenious one to make it simpler and easier. 

- Creative minds always face opposition from the Mediterranean intelligence. 

- Science is not only to rearrange your thinking daily. 

- Human life begins when can life outside himself. 

- God created the universe according to the laws do not recognize the accidental or random. 

- Bee disappear when the human race will disappear (being responsible for the pollination of food crops). 

- What concerns me more than the past is the future, where I intend to live in it. 

- Is the most beautiful sense of mystery, it's a source of art and science. 

- The truth is what proves before the exam experience. 

- There are only two ways to live: to see everything in a miracle, or do not see anything in the miracle. 

- The man who made ​​no mistake never tried anything new. 

- Imagination is more important than knowledge. 

- Despite the fact the relative viability. 

- The weapon that Snstamlh in World War IV will be sticks and stones. 

- The biggest problem is a perfect target and the ambiguity of the means (and this applies to us more in Saudi Arabia). 

- Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. 

- A miracle that curiosity survives formal education from prison. 

- No concerns you the secret of genius is important not to stop the question. 

- Culture is what remains after that forget everything you learned in school. 

- Insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. 

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