الثلاثاء، 29 يوليو 2014

birds kinds :  in the Arabian Peninsula 

- Arab Woodpecker 
English Name: Arabian Woodpecker 
Scientific name: Dendrocopos dorae 

Of endangered birds 
The only type of bird woodpecker, which was spotted in the south-west of Saudi Arabia in the 
mountain forests, specifically in the protected cliff rosette in Abha and also was spotted in Yemen.
Juniper trees taken from his home, where he works inside the nest chiseled beak that is used to 

Feeds on insects with the assistance of the long tongue that looks like a worm 

Assisted tail harsh attached to trees 

The female lays 3-8 eggs in the nest wooden engraved 

English name: Houbara Bustard 
Scientific name: Chlamydotis (undulata) macqueenii 

Bustard birds live across thousands of kilometers in several countries. The remains of some bustard throughout the year, but most of them spend the winter on the thousands of kilometers from breeding areas. Eat vegetarian food from the existing Oalehioana they eat plants and hunt small vertebrates and invertebrates, such as lizards and small rodents. 
The bustard Alhabro or as it is called in the countries of Africa exhibition of extinction due to excessive hunting him. 
The subject now bustard bird in captivity in order to protect this kind of extinction, and established the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and has established reserves bodies affairs of the province of this bird and propagation and re-launch her ​​brood to live life in the desert. 

There are 32 species of them in the world, and Africa, the largest share where there are 23 species most famous bustard Alobeih color pale and bustard Asian yellowish sandstone, and bustard African slant to the darkening is characterized by male debris large in size and beauty of its feathers neck gray with a black line on both sides and the head light brown surmounted by a crown of white feathers and black and male features blades strong on his neck called locally dominated live bustard singly or in factions small but dispersed in pairs in the spawning season roam vast distances up to 5 km, and the flight of the following do not need to water but hesitate to areas where there is water in the evening. 
Bustard spend most of her time not to walk it from birds capable of flying and flying very quickly especially if licked danger. 
The most bustard movements in their local environment, for example, the great bustard bird in Europe, migration from their breeding places to face the harsh winter weather. 
And migrates Houbara Bustard Aldnham and Arab in the north-central and west Africa towards the north in the month of June each year to breed, and then back to the south in October. 
Similarly, the Asian species known as the Houbara Almaqueeni migrate from the land on which the intermarried in the countries of the former Soviet Union, China and some parts of Mongolia, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq and the Arabian Peninsula. 

Fed bustard on what you find in the environment around them, and dealing with bustard different types of plants (such as seeds, fruits and dry leaves plant) and feed also on invertebrates (Kalkhnavs and locusts and scorpions) and also feed on small vertebrates such as (lizards) and small rodents and chicks of birds nesting on the ground. 
Bustard and focus on the essential proteins for food before immigration to help cut large distances, 
depending on the fat stored in the body   

King Vultures: imperial impunity east 

English name: 
Imperial Eagle: Eastern Imperial Eagle 

Scientific Name: Aquila heliaca 

Common passage migrant, Mach, Winter visitor 

Geographical distribution and environment: west and south-west Europe. Live forests, plains or land simplified 

Size: 70-83 cm 
The mating season: mid-February to May 

Nest: a large building of large and small twigs. Lined with grass and fur 
Eggs: 2-3 eggs with pale white color. 
Incubation period: 43 days. 

Food: Small mammals, birds and animals can eat non-rotting dead 
jjIn the winter migrates to Africa, India and China 

English name: Lappet-faced Vulture: Nubian Vulture 
Scientific name: Torgos tracheliotos 

The only type of resident eagles in the Arabian Peninsula 

Bald head pink color tends to red 

The size of the meter to meter and 15 cm 
The wings of two and a half 
Weight of 6.7 kg each arrived at 10 cm 

Subsists on animal carcasses have been attacking the young and the faint animals have attacked some bird's nest 

Live in small groups and are not social 

Put their nests on trees 
Bleaching the female egg and the only one 

7-week incubation period 
Little remains in the nest for approximately one year with that he starts to leave the nest after 4 months, but it remains dependent on parents 
Be able to reproduce at the age of 4-5 years 

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