السبت، 26 يوليو 2014

A - Ask a problem: that Homo sapiens is inherently nosy pays his inner world (self) and his world outside (ocean) to ask for the acquisition of knowledge, especially certainties and him freedom from ignorance, so the questions and his method to decode the complexities and the evacuation of mystery and among these questions raises issues Vensmiha intractable problem and the other raises a fundamental dilemma you need more than one solution to the problem of what we call the difference between them? And what the nature of their relationship? 

B - try to solve the problem 
The problem is the situation involving the confusions can search for solutions. It is all a case of partial. 
The problem is the question of proof and unbearable exile together, concern and psychological researcher is not satisfied with the solution, as it is considered a problem you need to solve more and thus a vehicle issue. 
Aspects of the agreement 
Both surprising and embarrassment because they involve emotional questions. 
Both need to resolve because they lead to the existence of questions. 
The nature of their relationship 
There is overlap between the problem and the problem because there is a mutual influence between the two 
The problem affecting the problem: It's the issue of partial help us get closer to understanding the problem. For example, to understand the problem: "Thought between principle and reality" must understand and study the partial problems are: how to apply with the same thought, and how it applies to reality. 
The problem in turn affect the problem because the problem needs to be problematic, which is the major dilemma All If any of the problems you need partial solutions they need to be a total solution to the dilemma of major. 
Personal opinion: but that is healthier consensus view that the relationship between the problem and the problem involves two aspects: on the one hand it is the separation of the definition because there is a differentiation between them and a connection in terms of functional because both complementing each other 

A solution to the problem 
We conclude that in the last issue of the relationship between the problem and the problem is studying at the summit level between scientists and philosophers, and not to the general public need to distinguish between them in order to express what words are faced with problems in their lives. But in spite of that we should remove the paradox between Allfezan, because they inevitably differ through the fundamental question that imposes itself Kachkalah first, so that we do not find hardly convincing answer to him, and the problem was soon wiped her and ends up just thinking about it in a rational way and active

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