السبت، 26 يوليو 2014

Definition of Islam 

Islam is surrender to God, and to pander to him uniting the Almighty, and devotion to him and obey him and stick to obedience to His Messenger, the definition of Islam because it is the amount for the Lord .. 

This is called an Islam: because the Muslim delivers his God, and united by the Almighty, and worshiped alone, without anything else, and driven by the orders and prohibitions leaves, and standing at the borders, so Islam. 

It has five pillars: testifying that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, establishing prayer, paying the zakat, fasting Ramadan, pilgrimage to the House for those who can. 

The certificates and their meaning: the unification of God and devotion to him, and the belief that Muhammad is His Messenger to all people, and these testimonies are out of debt, and are the basis of the religion .. 

There is no right god but Allah alone, and this is the meaning of no god Elaallah as the Almighty said: (so that God is right and that the claim is without falsehood) .. 

The testimony that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, their meaning: to see for sure, and learned that the Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib al-Hashimi is the messenger of God, really, and that God sent him to the general people to the jinn and mankind, to male and female, to the Arabs and the Persians, to the rich and the poor, to the present and the desert, he says: (Say: O people, I am the Messenger of Allah to you all, who has the king of the heavens and the earth, there is no god but He gives life and Yamit, believe in Allah and his Messenger, the illiterate Prophet who believes in God and followed him to his words and you will Thtdon), 

He is the Messenger of God to everyone, "then he followed from Paradise," and then he violated his fire, said the definition of the Prophet of Islam in the modern right: (All of my ummah will enter Paradise except those who refuse was said, O Messenger of God, and refuse? Said Whoever obeys me will enter Paradise and whoever disobeys me has Dad) .. 

These Islamic faith great content: the Oneness of God, and devotion to him, and faith in His Messenger Muhammad definition of Islam, the faith of all the messengers, with the belief that prayer, almsgiving, fasting and pilgrimage, and faith in God, His angels, His books, and His messengers, and the Last Day, and much good and evil, faith and everything Tell Allah and His Messenger. This is the Muhammadiyah Islamic faith. 

People of the Book do not understand what the word Islam means?! 

If the people of the book generally Vhmu something which means the word "Islam", who loathed and reject it, they would have had another position of non-Muslims this hostile attitude obnoxious ..! 

The "Islam" in the language of the Quran _ not _ a name for the particular religion!! .. 

But it is a common name of religion, which cheered him all the prophets, and all belonged to follow the prophets: 

- Thus we see Noah, peace be upon him say to his people: (and ordered to be Muslims) Yunus 

- Jacob, peace be upon him and his sons recommend says: (do not die except as Muslims) Sura 

- And the sons of Jacob, peace be upon them answer their father: (They worship your God and the God of your fathers, Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac, one God and we are a Muslim) Sura 

- And Moses said to his people: (O my people, if you put your trust in, he believed in God, if you are Muslim) Yunus 

- And say the Apostles of Christ Jesus: (We believe in Allah and I bear witness PANA Muslims) Surah Al-Imran 

The definition of Islam, but a team of people of the book when they heard the Qur'an: (said he believed in him right from the Lord, we were Muslims before him) Surat stories 

Definition of Islam and says God Almighty for Ibrahim (Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but it was upright, a Muslim) Surat Al-Imran 

Then we see that _ the Quran _ brings these issues are all in one case, put to the people of Muhammad definition of Islam, and shows them that he did not rush them to a new religion, but it is the religion of all the prophets before them, Allah said: (you initiated debt charge of Noah, and which We have revealed to you and China by Abraham, Moses and Jesus to keep up religion nor Ttfrkoa it .....) Al-Shura 

What is this common religion whose name "Islam", which is the religion of all the prophets? 

Definition of Islam that which reads the Koran knows this religion, he is to go to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds in the subordination sincere not Atoppe trap, and in faith and confident reassuring all that came from him on any of the tongue, at any time or place without a rebellion against his rule, and without personal bias or sectarian, racist or between a book and a book of his books, or between the messenger and the messenger of the messengers .. 

Thus, the Quran says: (and ordered not to worship God worship none but Him) Al evidence 

He says: (Say We believe in Allah and what was revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and Otte Moses and Jesus and the prophets from their Lord Otte do not differentiate between one of them and we have Muslims) Sura 

What does religion "Islam" monotheistic religions previous? 
<> The relationship between Islam and monotheistic religions in the first image is the relationship between ratification and support entirely, but about his relationship in the image are visible relationship ratification of the remaining parts of the original, and there has been a correction to the fads and additions exotic about them! .. 

That what it says "Islam" is not new as it was a correction of the messages that preceded it and how Islam was again primarily because the first born of the prophets of God. 

F. Islam is the religion of all the prophets, which Allah for all humans since Adam to Muhammad, peace be upon them. 

A general sense means: pander to the provisions of God, to follow his orders and avoid prohibitions, any private worship of God, and all the prophets called for it. 

The essence of the definition of Islam Message "Islam" includes a message each and every book revealed to the Prophet, all of whom came prophets of Islam, so we see that the foundations and principles of the messages of the Apostles invited one, because they are the messengers of the sender and one which Allah Almighty. 

Definition of Islam Ahana O Muslims, and Muslims, Tova, and doing a disservice righteous, and praise be to God ..

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