السبت، 26 يوليو 2014

Watching the passing of one of the most famous incidents, in one of the shots fall a unit refueling because of sliding car suddenly someone was there to provide gasoline for his car, and there have been confined beneath it was the fear of burning to be saved in the end. 

After the incident, appeared one of the observations of what happened and said, "Thank God I came out fractures only," This is the mentality that makes a person receives a disaster as he was standing on his feet was determined to continue, was able to this woman to think the mentality of "why he had an accident?", But the incident occurred and thus Find mentality pros are that help. 

You can assign your luck at your exposure to the problem but nothing is going to change, but the mentality of "Thank God .. fractures only" that will make you continue, may be exposed to a car accident, remember that you're alive and there are many who are dying because of it, you may lose your job, but remember that there are those who can not work basically, confirms theories that reactions are manufactured from the great and not only acts. 

I do not say that you smile and receive shocks and even your homework avoided, but when it falls remember mentality "fractures only," immediately imagine the worst and survived it to regain your health, Valendm will not change anything ... but optimism will change a lot.

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