السبت، 26 يوليو 2014

Just a few years ago issued Yossi Beilin, one of the most prominent thinkers, "the Israelis" Zionists are affiliated with the stream doves, and who wrote about the future of "Israel" is a forward-looking book, known as "the death of Uncle American" and it terrified and possessed of a fear of the future from the inter indicators pour in the end, in the interest of the decay of what he called the "Jewish Diaspora" is intended, of course, the Jews of the world, and the reluctance of the majority from going to "Israel", declaring his cry in which he says, "I feel a kind of hysteria and fear about the melting of the Jewish people outside of the state of Israel." 

And here we have reservations on the term "Diaspora Jewish", they lie and myth, I tried the Zionist movement marketed myth of the Jewish people rather than the Jewish religion, while Jews in the world's citizens in their own countries, Kalmchrista in France and recognized in China, and therefore there is no national or Jewish people even talking about "the Jewish Diaspora." 

At a time when things tend to refraction of the Zionist project of biblical and falling, thanks to the advancement of the Palestinian national movement and the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and the stability of the rest of it above their historical land, in spite of the difficult circumstances prevailing, it has begun to sources, the decision in "Israel" look at the shifts and developments tracks population on the land of historical Palestine as a factor in the strategic balance of power between Israel and the Zionist Palestinian Arab people, and, consequently, with the Arab countries especially the ones surrounding Palestine. Plus the ongoing transformations in their tracks population related to the existence of ethnic groups within the country of the Jewish mother, and in the type of relations between "Israel" itself and so-called "Diaspora Jews", to the point where the doubts began some poles hardened Zionist right about what it calls the same issue of the right sources "Jewish presence" in the future in light of digital data that point to the declining number of Jews in the world is unprecedented. 

As the impact of the political situation explosive in the region and the international crises related to Arab conflict with "Israel" on the Jews, "Israel", and Jews in general, departing from eating Jews wholesale, and put them in one basket as "one people and nation nationalism" That the Jews are scattered throughout the world of destination Zionism, not loyal to their home countries where they reside, and nostalgic nature to return to the "home", ie Palestine because they "know" that their essence of the Jewish "will not be achieved unless there is a" Although it is contrary not only with the fact of the matter and the reality of the Jews in the countries of the world different, but also with the look of many Jews to themselves and their identity, in "Jewish nationalism" and the belief that members of the Jewish communities spread across the world are in fact the people of Organic linked intrinsically and inevitably the land of "Israel" historical Pat is full of nonsense into the world and even sectors Jews themselves, the religion of Judaism, not national, and Diaspora Judaism is not only a lie bright. 

While this is still the dialectic and the definition of "Who is a Jew" list until today in "Israel", which has not been resolved and will not be resolved soon, as well as several bright protrusions, most notably: 

First, the status of Palestinian Arab citizens in the occupied territories in 1948, are the owners of the original home. 

Second: the dialectic of state and religion, issues and personal status laws. 

Third, the lack of a constitution for the state and the other, trying Zionist state so far to compensate for the lack of the Constitution in which the so-called basic laws and is one of ten legally considered more important and the influence of ordinary laws, where the law provides the basis for the definition of "Israel" as a "Jewish and democratic state" (noticed: Jewish before democracy), and came that definition after a debate in the Knesset, "Israel" by more than a quarter of a century ago, and differed even "Israeli parties" between the words "Jewish state" or "state of the Jewish people" and the decision during the vote on the law in 1985 (Section VII / A) on the "Jewish state" of a religious nature and national together as interpreted by the authors of the proposal, with little of what Ben-Gurion decades ago that "Israel is the state of the Jews wherever they are." 

We have discussed and saturated debate all concepts and hypotheses previous successive sessions of the Conference (Herzliya) annual conference on "the future of the Jewish people" in its successive organized by the "Institute of planning the future of the Jewish people", and the participation of all leaders, "Israeli" upper and elite group of politicians and academics Jews in the world, where was highlighted, in each of those sessions Almatmria on the reality of the spread of Jewish demographic in the world, and talk in detail about the so-called "threats geopolitical central exposed the existence of the Jewish people in danger," and the demographic balance and only the topics such as Jews and political geography, and Jewish leadership, and the future of Jewish communities, and Jewish identity and demography. 

In the context of those actions referred to and the resulting, as well as research that has accumulated during the past periods, statistics show audited data various official and the ones that circulated and published the so-called Institute of planning policies "of the Jewish people," which was established by the Jewish Agency that the number of Jews in the world as a whole, taking to retreat and fall for various reasons, in the (thirty) years recent decreased numbers of Jews outside of Palestine occupied by (2.3) million, while Pat is now the Jewish Agency, according to estimates (7.76) million only, that is, they have fallen out of Palestine about a quarter since 1970. 

It appears from the data, presented by Professor (Sergio Della Gola) of the Hebrew University (7.00076 million) thousand Jews now live outside of "Israel", in an interview more than (10 million in 1970). To find the final outcome that the number of Jews in the world, including in occupied Palestine in general decline, reaching their numbers, for example, up to thirteen million people by the end of 2006, while it was more than seventeen million people in 1970.

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