السبت، 26 يوليو 2014

It is said that a trader knew people harshly heart. This was the trader buys a slave every year he has to work a full year only, then get rid of it. But not honorably discharged and unleash him for looking for another job or another master, but he was throwing him to the dogs with him, may be preventing them food a few days, of course, the end will be painful for that slave. 
This was believed to be the dealer to get rid of the service that way, but it is a way to get rid of the source may have known a lot of affairs and secrets, the butler in the home learn about a lot of things and a few secrets. 

The merchant usual annual purchase of new Abdul, has been known that some of the new intelligence. The days passed it in the service of his master until the time of DNA torture annual collection .. merchant companions to enjoy the sight of a dog in a meat ravage the poor slave. It was as usual has stopped feeding the dogs several days in order to be very fierce. . But appalled by what he saw. 

Once the dogs entered the slave, even revolve around him and began licking his neck in a calm and gentleness for a period of time and then slept with him! Bewildered merchant to view his dogs has turned into a fierce animals deposit despite their hunger, he asked about the secret slave, he said unto him, Sir, I've served a full year Volqitni for dogs hungry, while I served these dogs just two months, which was what I saw!! 

The ingratitude is hard on the human psyche can not be accepted and spoke of the psychological pain a bit too much. Common sense and good taste when any human being that gives you nice to reciprocate or the most beautiful, does not deny that his worst character or respond.

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