السبت، 26 يوليو 2014

There was a poor man living in a small house seems in the case where the spread of the bad spiders and rats, and the residents of this impoverished village, avoiding the traffic and even on the part of his house, making the man believes that poverty is the cause of all their problems and suffering. 

Day in and decided to go for the poor man's charming and perhaps find a solution to have a paragraph, and already the man went to the magician and complained about his poverty and his life miserable. Magician felt sorry for the man's case and gave the man a magic vase and said to him: 
"This vase magic will save you from your poverty forever" 

The man returned to his home and put the vase on the table and taking Looking at her and think, "Do you sell it and benefited from it, it's also of great beauty and is not suitable to be in a house like this," the man much hesitation in the sale of the vase are viewed as the more secret and impressed by his them most, he decided to keep them. 

Taking the man thinks that the vase this beauty should not remain empty, and he went and picked up some flowers and put them in, thereby increasing beautiful in his eyes, then decided that such beauty should not be at the home of dirty full Banakp and mice, seemed to immediately clean the house . Translated into a beautiful place, full of warmth and the poor man is no longer a poor anymore. 

In the end, some people do not work hard and do not Bivlon effort required to change their lives, so they do not have enough time to think about the appropriate ways to change their lives, all they have is grumbling and complaining.

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